Sunday, January 6, 2013

Add Java Swing GUI Toolkit Window Builder to Eclipse

Java Swing is very import when you develop Desktop Applications using Java language for making Graphical User Interfaces. Probably developers use Eclipse for developing Java Applications. However, by default Eclipse doesn't contains Graphical User Interface design tool on it. As a result of that we need to manually add Window Builder to Eclipse.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Increase Java heap size in Eclipse to avoid not responding problems

Most of programmers had encountered not responding problems in eclipse while developing mostly Java Swing Applications. Most probably these kind of errors occurs due to less java heap size.
So, If you can change this java heap size, then you will be able to improve the performance.

How to get Windows 7 look and feel to your Java Application

When you developing Java Desktop Applications using Java Swing, it is very important to consider the look and feel of the Application. In this post I will give you the code segment for this task.