Sunday, October 14, 2018

Setting up a cluster of JHipster registry and cluster microservice

Today I'm going to demonstrate on setting up a cluster of JHipster registry and cluster microservice.
At the beginning, we need to install JHipster. So, follow the below instructions.
1. Install java 8 from Oracle
2. Install Git 
3. Install Node.js
4. Install Yarn using the Yarn installation instructions
5. Install install Yeoman by running below 

yarn global add yo

Friday, June 29, 2018

Server to Server communication with Okta authorization server, Spring Boot & OAuth 2.0

When you need to integrate two servers with authentication, you can use Client Credentials Flow in Okta along with Spring Boot and OAuth 2.0. This Client Credential Flow has been recommended for machine to machine authentication. The application that being build is need to securely store its ClientID and Secret with Okta pass in exhange for an access token. Actually, the authentication flow has only two steps, the application needs to pass client credentials to the Okta Authorization server and then if the credentials are true, Okta will responds with an access token.